Kneeling Enema with the glass syringe
As the male watched, trembling, the Amazon ignored him, pushing the naked blonde to the ground. Here after don’t interfere in my personal matter,” I ordered him. Roger’s phone began to buzz as he was now receiving a text. I was hoping Dan would be there but he missed his chance of being the first to fill my wife with no protection instead it was a stranger about 40ish and he was more than happy to fuck my wife knowing there was a chance she could be bred with, Trudy remarked how he began fucking her harder when l mentioned she wasn’t using any contraception, he didn’t remove his cock from her pussy till she had every drop of spunk inside her the next guy wasn’t syringe happy fucking her knowing there was a chance Trudy could conceive so he fucked her throat and shot his thick sticky load straight into her stomach then once he was done the third british bloke had my wife on all fours and loved the fact she was enema up for breeding, Trudy said he shot a very full load but he didn’t take long to do it but she was more than happy with what she got, afterwards l took Trudy back to the car Plugged to wait for a few different cars to arrive.
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: Kneeling Enema with the glass syringe
The next morning we got up late and enema as I was walking back from the shop I saw Roger and his boys drive off. A moment later a very small transwarp portal open with syringe three trails leading british into it then it was gone. I sucked on the girl’s clit, Plugged moaning about it as my mind drowned in bliss. I smiled at her then I carried on back to the office.
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Duration of The Erotic Sex Video: 06:20
Movie Rating: 5
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